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Vote for the new Excelia Alumni Board of Directors 2023-2026

24 August 2023 Network news
Viewed 424 times

TheAnnual General Meeting is the highlight of your Excelia Alumni Association's calendar, providing an opportunity to review the past year and look ahead to the future.

This year also sees the renewal of the Board of Directors: 20 members will be elected for a 3-year term, from September 2023 to September 2026.

From September 2023, the governance system will change:

- The 20-member Board of Directors meets 2-3 times a year to approve the association's strategic decisions.

- The 10-member Executive Committee, elected by the new Board of Directors, will oversee the association's operations throughout the year. The bureau will meet 1 or 2 times a month to carry out this mission.

- Advisory board members

Lifetime alumni members are invited to vote for new members of the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting on September 15, 2023, either in person in La Rochelle or remotely.

Consult the professions of faith of the candidates for the Board of Directors to make your choice.

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