Be one of the guest speakers for our Webinars!

If you are an Excelia graduate and would like to share your expertise with other school graduates, Webinars are just the thing! Webinars aim to bring our graduates closer together whilst at the same time informing them about diverse subjects and providing answers to their questions.

Hosting a Webinar allows you to share your expertise in a specific field and to develop your international network.

In practical terms, hosting a Webinar on Zoom takes about 1.5 hours (presentation and questions). The Webinar is then uploaded on to our website to be accessed by paying Alumni members.




Be one of the speakers at an ‘Alumni Tuesday’!

If you are an Excelia graduate and would like to share your expertise and experience with students from the school, then join our Alumni Tuesday event. They provide an opportunity for intense discussion between graduates and students on various business or cross-disciplinary themes.

An evening of debate, in person and remotely, with 2 to 3 other Alumni and about forty students.


Contact us to participate in
our upcoming meetings!


24 Alumni groups in 10 countries!

Search for the one closest to you and join in the next Afterwork event (lectures and seminars, company visits, tastings, etc.).
A great way to develop your local network by meeting graduates from your school!


geographical groups


Can’t find a group near you?

Contact us to see if there is the possibility of starting a new one!

All our groups are run by Alumni volunteer coordinators, who organise the Afterwork events (conferences, company visits, tastings, etc.) for the Alumni community.

Becoming a coordinator for a particular city is an opportunity to develop your local network (through the events you co-host with the association) as well as your international network (through events between coordinators). You will become an active member and participate in the development of the association… subject to your availability and your motivation!





Ambassadors are graduates, most often expats, who have agreed to be contacted to answer questions from within the community, e.g. questions about taking up a post abroad or an expatriation project.





If you would you like to become an ambassador, then contact us!

Becoming an ambassador enables you to help other graduates whilst developing your own network. You will receive a certain number of questions by email (maximum per month to be determined with the association) and commit to answering them according to your availability.

